๐Ÿฆ… WebSocket server example

Panini also uses Aiohttp for WebSockets. Let's see how it works using the example below.

Suppose we want to create a microservice - a gateway between NATS stream and WebSockets stream. It subscribes to the desired NATS subject from a frontend and broadcasts them to a frontend in "live mode". To implement this we need:

  • Web interface with web socket connection
  • GET endpoint to upload interface
  • POST endpoint to subscribe/unsubscribe to NATS subjects
  • WSS endpoint to receive live messages
  • Some NATS message producer to test microservice
  • Main logic that handles subscribe/unsubscribe requests

Let's split the app into two modules. One for the main app - main.py and another for subscribe/unsubscribe request handler & web page - handler.py


import uuid
import random
import json
from aiohttp import web
from panini import app as panini_app
from handler import WSSManager, html

app = panini_app.App(
logger = app.logger

async def incoming_messages_callback(subscriber, msg, **kwargs):
        app calls it for each new message from
        NATS and redirects the message
        await subscriber.send_str(
            json.dumps({"subject": msg.subject, "data": msg.data})
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"error: {str(e)}")

manager = WSSManager(app)
manager.callback = incoming_messages_callback

test_msg = {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": 2,
    "key3": 3.0,
    "key4": [1, 2, 3, 4],
    "key5": {"1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4, "5": 5},
    "key6": {"subkey1": "1", "subkey2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4, "5": 5},
    "key7": None,

async def publish_periodically_for_test():
    test_msg["key3"] = random.random()
    await app.publish("test.subject", test_msg)

async def web_endpoint_listener(request):
    Web client to view NATS stream. Displays messages from subjects that an user is following

    Example of request

    return web.Response(text=html, content_type="text/html")

async def web_endpoint_listener(request):
        """WebSocket connection """
    ws = web.WebSocketResponse()
    await ws.prepare(request)
    connection_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:10]
    await ws.send_str(json.dumps({"success": True, "data": "Successfully connected"}))
    await manager.client_listener(ws, connection_id)
        await ws.close()
    except Exception as e:
    return ws

async def incoming_messages_callback(subscriber, msg, **kwargs):
        app calls it for each new message from
        NATS and redirects the message
        await subscriber.send_str(
            json.dumps({"subject": msg.subject, "data": msg.data})
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"error: {str(e)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.http_server.web_app["subscribers"] = {}
  1. from handler import WSSManager, html imports from another module, handler.py
  2. manager = WSSManager(app) initializing of class that handles subscription/unsubscription requests from the users of the frontend
  3. manager.callback = incoming_messages_callback setting callback to incoming NATS messages
  4. test_msg - message for NATS stream
  5. @app.task(interval=1) - function under the decorator publishes messages periodically to subject "test.subject"
  6. @app.http.get("/") - function under the decorator received HTTP request to get main web page
  7. @app.http.get("/stream") - function under the decorator received HTTP request to subscribe user to NATS subject
  8. app.http_server.web_app["subscribers"] = {} - This is where we store subscribers

Let's take a look at handler.py. It includes web page and WebSocket handler


import json
import copy
from panini.utils.logger import get_logger
from aiohttp.http_websocket import WSMsgType

logger = get_logger(None)

html = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>NATS Bridge</title>
        <form action="" onsubmit="sendMessage(event)">
            <input type="text" id="messageText" autocomplete="off"/>
        <ul id='messages'>
            var ws = new WebSocket(`ws://${window.location.hostname}:5001/stream`);
            ws.onmessage = function(event) {
                var messages = document.getElementById('messages')
                var message = document.createElement('li')
                var content = document.createTextNode(event.data)
            function sendMessage(event) {
                var input = document.getElementById("messageText")
                input.value = ''

class WSSManager:
    ssid_map = {}

    def __init__(self, app):
        self.app = app

    async def client_listener(self, client_ws_connection, connection_id):
        """app calls it for each WSS message from user"""
        while True:
                msg = await client_ws_connection.receive()
                if self.is_close_connection_message(msg):
                    await self.close_ws_client(client_ws_connection, connection_id)
                    return client_ws_connection
                body = json.loads(msg.data)
                action = self.get_action(body)
                await self.validate_ws_message(client_ws_connection, body, action)
                subjects = body["subjects"]
                if action == "subscribe":
                    for subject in subjects:
                        cb = await self.get_callback(client_ws_connection)
                        await self.subscribe(subject, cb)
                    await self.send_to_ws(
                        message=f"Successfully connected to events: {str(subjects)[1:-1]}"
                elif action == "unsubscribe":
                    for subject in subjects:
                        await self.unsubscribe(client_ws_connection, subject)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"WSS error: {str(e)} connection_id {connection_id}")
                    await self.send_to_ws(
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.error(str(e), level="error")
                return client_ws_connection

    async def validate_ws_message(self, client_ws_connection, body, action):
        if action not in ["subscribe", "unsubscribe"]:
            message = f"The user has to specify action in message ('subscribe' or 'unsubscribe'), got {action} instead"
            await self.send_to_ws(
            raise Exception(message)
        if "subjects" not in body:
            raise Exception("subjects required")

    def is_close_connection_message(self, msg):
        if msg.type == WSMsgType.CLOSE and msg.data in range(1000,1003):
            return True

    async def close_ws_client(self, client_ws_connection, conn_id):
        connections = copy.copy(self.ssid_map)
        for subject in connections:
            if conn_id in self.ssid_map[subject]:
                    del self.ssid_map[subject][conn_id]
                    if self.ssid_map[subject] == {}:
                        await self.app.unsubscribe_subject(subject)
                        del self.ssid_map[subject]
                except Exception as e:
        await client_ws_connection.close()

    def get_action(self, body):
        return body["action"] if "action" in body else "subscribe"

    async def send_to_ws(self, client_ws_connection, success: bool, message: str):
        message = json.dumps({
            'success': success,
            'message': message,
        await client_ws_connection.send_str(message)

    async def subscribe(self, subject, cb):
        ssid = await self.app.subscribe_new_subject(subject, cb)
        if subject not in self.ssid_map:
            self.ssid_map[subject] = []

    async def unsubscribe(self, client_ws_connection, subject):
        if not subject in self.ssid_map:
            await self.send_to_ws(
                message=f"The user did not subscribe to event {subject}"
        for ssid in self.ssid_map[subject]:
            await self.app.unsubscribe_ssid(ssid)
        await self.send_to_ws(
            message=f"Successfully unsubscribed from event: {subject}"

    async def get_callback(self, subscriber):
            if hasattr(self, "callback"):
                cb = self.callback
                raise Exception("self.callback function for incoming messages expected")

            async def wrapper(msg):
                return await cb(subscriber, msg)
            return wrapper
  1. html - web page html/js code
  2. WSSManager - manage every WebSocket request with NATS subject

That's it! Let's run our main.py and check

> python3 main.p
Panini service connected to NATS..
id: 5
name: async_NATS_WSS_bridge__non_docker_env_486358__955463

NATS brokers:
*  nats://

======== Running on ========

Then you need to follow the link . If everything is correct you will get this page:


In order to subscribe to NATS subject "test.subject" you need to send a request in expected format:


If everything is correct you should see NATS message on the web page:

Screenshot 2021-11-03 at 14.36.40.png

You can also check this app below in our example here.